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Issues of Aging Curated Video Collection


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Aging Parents:
The Family Survival Guide

Millions of adult children will be confronted with a parent's crisis, perhaps an illness or accident, and will need to put together a personal action plan for their parent's care. Aging Parents: The Family Survival Guide consists of two videotapes and a 180-page Action Guide. It was designed to save families countless hours of research and worry when caring for their aging parents. The program contains extensive information to assist anyone faced with the well-being of an elderly parent or relative. The package includes detailed information on topics such as; distant and rural care, death and dying, legal issues, medical issues, housing options and support services, family dynamics, insurance and financial issues, and government programs. Information is provided from the perspective of both the caregiver and elderly care experts. Aging Parents is user-friendly, featuring a running time clock on the tapes and timetable of contents for quick reference to specific topics.

DATE: 1997

TOPICS: Caregivers, Economic Issues, End-of Life Issues, Home/Hospice/Institutional Healthcare

CREDITS: Producer / Director: G. Weinstein;
Co-Producer: B.Tokars

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:Color; 210 minutes;
2 video set with Action Guide


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