My Mother, My Father
My Mother, My Father profiles
four families faced with the need to provide care for an elderly parent.
The dynamics of caregiving are as individual and varied as the families
and circumstances of the people involved. Each family is refreshingly
honest, as they talk about their deep and often conflicting feelings.
They cope with the stresses, changes, and rewards involved in caring for
their aging parent. Viewers watch as one family wrestles with the realization
that their mother can no longer live alone. Another family is utilizing
adult day care facilities. The Honel family discusses the profound emotional
trauma they face in caring for their father at home, who also suffers
from Alzheimer's disease. The Gerali family supports the decision of their
independent, but frail, mother to live with a widowed daughter. This video
offers compelling insights into the need for families to make independent
decisions about caregiving.
DATE: 1984
Caregivers, Home/Hospice/Institutional Healthcare
Producer: Terra Nova Films, Inc.;
Director: James Vanden Bosch
33 minutes
Discussion Guide