I'd Rather Be Home
This film documents the case of
Norman, a man repeatedly abused by one of his adult sons, over a seven-year
period. Eventually, after a severe beating, Norman ends up in a nursing
home, has a mild stroke and is placed under state guardianship. Through
candid interviews, Norman recounts several occurrences of physical abuse
and his confused emotions regarding those incidents. He remembers the
close relationship he shared with his children when they were younger,
and recalls that he did not use physical methods of discipline. Norman
is caught between wanting his sons punished for their actions and wanting
to protect his children. Even though he still fears further abuse, Norman
expresses his desire to return home to live with his family. Norman's
wife appears to be entangled in a web of denial, as she expresses her
disbelief that any abuse actually occurred. This piece courageously exposes
the circle of violence, denial, and the tragedy of abuse towards the elderly
in a very moving and realistic manner.
DATE: 1997
Elder Abuse, Home / Hospice / Institutional Healthcare
Producer: Terra Nova Films, Inc.;
Director: James Vanden Bosch
29 minutes